
New life legendary companion pack
New life legendary companion pack

If you had good gear and really knew how to play well, you could solo them but you’d still have to pay attention to what you were doing.

new life legendary companion pack new life legendary companion pack

s were initially meant to be challenging content for what we would say is an “average” player. What we failed to realize was how much most of you would enjoy them, but also how frequently you would engage in them. We wanted players to have good reason to go do them, but also give players a reason to join up with their friends. So when we highlighted areas of improvement for our leveling experience, we knew we wanted to make Heroics sexier. Most players ignored them after doing them once. Before Knights of the Fallen Empire, Heroics were not very utilized content. As a community, you were playing differently than we had expected. What we didn’t realize was how with Knights of the Fallen Empire gameplay had evolved. So, in 4.0.2 we toned down Companion power significantly to be in line with our stated goals. If it’s too hard, we risk players leaving and not even trying certain content anymore. If it’s too easy, we risk players not being engaged and getting bored. We want combat to be something, since you do it for so many hours, that can challenge you. We want combat to be engaging, to be fun. We came to this conclusion, not only from player feedback and our own playtests, but from watching how players were playing-it is not ideal to send your Companion into combat in a and then go make tea, only to come back and collect your loot.

new life legendary companion pack new life legendary companion pack

The one thing that was obvious was that Companions were overpowered in 4.0. We posted our goals with different content types recently, here. The best we can do is create goals and do our best to make sure as many players as possible hit those goals. Jennifer might say, “This game’s a snap,” while Joe might say, “This is the hardest thing I’ve played in my entire life,” and there’s literally no way to tell who is “right”. All of these things and more impact how well you play and how successful you are in combat. So many factors contribute to the question of, is this too easy or too hard–ability rotations, number of enemies and their abilities, player play style, player skill level, player class choice, Companion role, and even how well your computer can run the game.

New life legendary companion pack